Origin Fertilisers Research & Development programme is extensive and ongoing and covers a wide range of products, crops and site types.
Listed below is a selection of trial data sheets.
Please contact us if you can’t find what you are looking for as we may well have relevant data in our archive.
GAFSA BioPHOS - Assessing the response of permanent pasture to a range of phosphate fertilisers
DownloadGAFSA BioPHOS - Assessing plant numbers and yield of using GAFSA BioPHOS products for grass establishment
DownloadOEP - Comparing the average yield increase from OEP against other phosphates on a range of crops
DownloadPolysulphate - Investigate the effect of different rates of Polysulphate on combining peas on a sandy clay loam soil
DownloadPolysulphate - Assessing the effect of autumn and spring applications of sulphate for oilseed rape
DownloadSUSTAIN - Spring Barley Concerto crop yield comparison between AN and SUSTAIN, Balgonie, Glenrothes
DownloadSUSTAIN - Spring Barley Odyssey crop yield comparison between AN and SUSTAIN, Balgonie, Glenrothes
DownloadSUSTAIN - Spring Barley Concerto crop yield comparison between AN and SUSTAIN, Fortrie, Ellon
DownloadSUSTAIN - Spring Barley Odyssey crop yield comparison between AN and SUSTAIN, Fortrie, Ellon
DownloadSUSTAIN - Winter Wheat Gallant crop yield comparison between AN and SUSTAIN, Little Bromley
DownloadSUSTAIN - Spring Barley Concerto crop yield comparison between AN and SUSTAIN, Balgonie, Glenrothes - second year
DownloadWOLF TRAX - Evaluating crop response to soil and foliar micro-nutrients applied to spring barley
DownloadSUSTAIN spreader calibration - Origin SUSTAIN Vicon and Accord and Teagle spreader settings
DownloadOrigin Fertilisers Research & Development programme is extensive and ongoing and covers a wide range of products, crops and site types.
Please contact us if you can’t find what you are looking for as we may well have relevant data in our archive.
After a decade of on-farm experience working in multiple operational management roles, my practical experience gives me a strong knowledge of field operations across a variety of combinable cereals and oilseeds, through to onions and maize. I’m based in Suffolk, and will provide advice for customers throughout the South East.
I live on a mixed farm in Northumberland. I have worked within the agriculture industry since graduating from Newcastle University in 2015. I have a particular interest in soil science and livestock management.
My BSc in Agricultural Science at Lincoln University in New Zealand and experience as an arable advisor for one of New Zealand’s largest agricultural distributors puts me in a strong position to understand farmer’s needs. The many similarities between UK and New Zealand farming will allow me to help farmers become more productive with their fertiliser use.
I graduated from
Newcastle University in 2023 where I studied Agriculture with Farm Business
Management. This coupled with the experience I have gained from working in New
Zealand on dairy farms puts me in a strong position to provide technical advice
to customers across the North East region.
After graduating from Harper Adams in 2011, I spent 6 years working full-time on our mixed family farm, before going into animal nutrition. I’m fortunate to be able to combine technical knowledge with practical experience of crop nutrition. Being AMTRA qualified I understand how better forage nutrition leads to improved animal health and performance. I am based in Lincolnshire and provide advice to customers throughout the Midlands.
Since completing my BSc (hons) Agriculture at Harper Adams University in 2021 I have gained a wealth of experience and interest working with farmers, landowners and agronomists in applying fertilisers to a variety of cropping types. Being FACTS qualified allows me to make appropriate decisions for growers and their crops. I have a strong practical background working on dairy, beef and sheep farms whilst also more recently working within the arable and Anaerobic Digestion sector.
Toby Ward adds practical experience to Origin Fertilisers nutrition agronomy team in East Anglia and the south-east
DownloadFertiliser facility upgrade supporting farmers across Wales and the South-West of England
DownloadHuge investment brings fertiliser reassurance to local farmers in Southern Scotland and Northern England
DownloadHuge investment brings fertiliser reassurance to local farmers in North of England, Borders and Southern Scotland